Show Notes

In this episode we talk to Richard Campbell about The Humanitarian Toolbox

Richard wrote his first line of code in 1977 and still isn't over it. He's had a bunch of jobs in computing, built a few companies along the way and these days does a little consulting, makes the podcasts .NET Rocks and RunAs Radio, is one of the folks behind the Dev Intersection Conferences as well as being chief cheerleader for the charity Humanitarian Toolbox.

Contacting Richard Campbell @ The Humanitarian Toolbox

Humanitarian Toolbox:

Other Links
.Net Rocks Podcast:
Run As Radio:


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Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell wrote his first line of code in 1977 and still isn't over it.

He's had a bunch of jobs in computing, built a few companies along the way and these days does a little consulting, makes the podcasts .NET Rocks and RunAs Radio,

He is one of the folks behind the Dev Intersection Conferences, as well as being chief cheerleader for the charity Humanitarian Toolbox.

Guest Episodes: