Episode 85 - Unity 3D

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3D Unity Unity3D

Show Notes

In this episode we talk about Games Development, using Unity3d with Jason Weimann

Jason Weimann is a games developer and writer who loves to teach others how to build their own games.

He has spent his career working on all types of games, including multiple MMO's, PC, & mobile games.

Jason has been a big Virtual Reality enthusiast since the Oculus Rift Kickstarter.
This lover for VR drove him to create and release 6 VR games

But Jason's real passion is found in teaching others game development.

Now, he spends most of his time working on MMOs and running the site unity3d.college & his Youtube channel where he regularly writes and talks about Game development & VR.

Contacting Jason Weimann

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jweimann
Unity3d Author: https://unity3d.college/author/jweimann/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIA7tV8G_v3jrGI47Uyo1jg

Unity3d: https://unity3d.college/


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John Callaway

John Callaway

Jason Weimann is a games developer and writer who loves to teach others how to build their own games.

He has spent his career working on all types of games, including multiple MMO's, PC, & mobile games.

Jason has been a big Virtual Reality enthusiast since the Oculus Rift Kickstarter, this love for VR drove him to create and release 6 VR games.

But Jason's real passion is found in teaching others game development.

Now, he spends most of his time working on MMOs and running the site unity3d college & his Youtube channel where he regularly writes and talks about Game development & VR.

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