Episode 79 - Systems Admin to Developer

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Show Notes

In this episode we talk to Sean Martz about moving into the world of development from the world of a systems administrator.

Sean, works as a software consultant in the Cleveland Ohio area, and is passionate about efficiently solving business problems with technology.
He considers himself to be a serial hobbyist and a foodie.
Sean will frequently describe himself as a Remarkably Stupid Developer.


Contacting Sean Martz
website: http://seanmartz.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-martz-20768264/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atseanshandle


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Sean Martz

Sean Martz

Sean, works as a software consultant in the Cleveland Ohio area, and is passionate about efficiently solving business problems with technology.

He considers himself to be a serial hobbyist and a foodie.

Sean will frequently describe himself as a Remarkably Stupid Developer.

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